github aldostools/webMAN-MOD 1.47.31
webMAN MOD 1.47.31

latest releases: 1.47.46, 1.47.45, 1.47.44...
3 years ago

⭐ Added icons to VSH Notifications (thanks to @PHTNCx64 aka StarmanX32) 🆕
📊 New web command /stat.ps3<path> shows folder size and files/directories count 🆕
🎮 Fixed issue playing GAMEI after playing ROM #429
🐞 Fixed bug in auto config of PS2 Classics #429
🌀 Fixed issue setting manual fan speed using /cpursx.ps3
🐞 Fixed bug in FTP rename #436 #442
🚀 Cumulative update (includes over 73 commits to the suite of tools)

I dedicate this release to a great member of PS3 community that will be missed: bitsbubba Rest In Peace dear friend.

💡 If you like webMAN MOD, then feel free to contribute with a *small donation*, I'd really appreciate it! (Funds are mainly to cover the high server costs)

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