github aldostools/webMAN-MOD 1.47.25
webMAN MOD 1.47.25

latest releases: 1.47.46, 1.47.45, 1.47.44...
4 years ago

⭐️ Added icons to common file types in File Manager
⭐️ Home URL setting now can set default /app_home/PS3_GAME icon on start up
⭐️ Added support for external wm_custom.xml in webMAN's game list on XMB
⭐️ PS2 Classics: Added support for PIC1/PIC2 and SCEVMC0.VME per game
⭐️ .BIN.ENC extensions now are case insensitive
⭐️ Added 3 missing EBOOT keys (0x5D) to psp_extra_keys array (tags 07, 18, 27)
🐞 Restored support for VSH Menu & sLaunch for Russian language (issues #174 #180 #237)
🐞 Fixed autoplay when PS2 Classics are mounted
🐞 Fixed bug parsing title id of PS2Classics & PS2ISO
🐞 Fixed issue #236 blank checks in /setup.ps3 when Sylk engine is used.
🐞 Fixed fan control issues #227 #228 #233
🐞 Fixed detection of rom extensions: .GB, .GG, .SG, .WS, .VB (issue #232)
🐞 Fixed Refresh XML when remote net host is offline / not responding
🐞 Fixed fan control being set to dynamic when /cpursx.ps3 was accessed from sMAN GUI

⭐️ Merged @NvrBst's fork of ps3netsrv: now supports encrypted ps3 isos (3k3y / redump)
⭐️ Updated Mamba 8.2 with support for CD sector sizes: 2328 & 2340 and non-PLAYSTATION CDs

⚠️ Removed encoded PS2 config files from installer. Use PS2CONFIG.pkg for 946 ENC files converted by @kozarovv

💡 If you like webMAN MOD, then feel free to contribute with a *small donation*, I'd really appreciate it! (Funds are mainly to cover server costs)

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