github akuity/kargo v0.1.0-rc.16

latest releases: v0.7.1, v0.7.0, v0.7.0-rc.2...
pre-release11 months ago

What's Changed

  • chart improvements to require less sweeping permissions to read secrets by @krancour in #445
  • rewrite credentials DB to not index k8s secrets by @krancour in #444
  • remove redundant permissions by @krancour in #449
  • simplify and improve how rest configs for kube clients are loaded by @krancour in #446
  • add option to watch Argo CD Applications only in Argo CD's namespace by @krancour in #448
  • simplify PromotionPolicies and validating webhook for Promotions by @krancour in #450

Full Changelog: v0.1.0-rc.15...v0.1.0-rc.16

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