- Rewritten in Kotlin. (#62)
- Moved Maven group ID from "net.rakugakibox.spring.boot" to "dev.akkinoc.spring.boot". (#62)
- Moved Java package from "net.rakugakibox.spring.boot.logback.access" to "dev.akkinoc.spring.boot.logback.access". (#62)
- Added support for Java 11 and 17. (#62)
- Updated Spring Boot version from 2.2.6 to 2.5.6. (#62)
- Added support for Undertow reactive web server. (#58, #62)
- Added the configuration property "logback.access.undertow.record-request-start-time". (#58, #62)
- Renamed the configuration property "logback.access.use-server-port-instead-of-local-port" to "logback.access.local-port-strategy". (#62)
- Renamed the configuration property "logback.access.tomcat.enable-request-attributes" to "logback.access.tomcat.request-attributes-enabled". (#62)
- Removed the "net/rakugakibox/spring/boot/logback/access/git.properties" file. (#62)