github akkadotnet/ 1.4.25
Akka.NET v1.4.25

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2 years ago

1.4.25 September 08 2021

Maintenance Release for Akka.NET 1.4
Akka.NET v1.4.25 includes some significant performance improvements for Akka.Remote and a number of important bug fixes and improvements.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Performance Improvements
Using our standard RemotePingPong benchmark, the difference between v1.4.24 and v1.4.25 is significant:


OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 
ProcessorCount:                    16                              
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ                           
Actor Count:                       32                              
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)                   
Is Server GC:                      True                            
Thread count:                      111                             
Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]                     
         1,  200000,     96994,    2062.08                         
         5, 1000000,    194818,    5133.93                         
        10, 2000000,    198966,   10052.93                         
        15, 3000000,    199455,   15041.56                         
        20, 4000000,    198177,   20184.53                         
        25, 5000000,    197613,   25302.80                         
        30, 6000000,    197349,   30403.82                         


OSVersion:                         Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
ProcessorCount:                    16
ClockSpeed:                        0 MHZ
Actor Count:                       32
Messages sent/received per client: 200000  (2e5)
Is Server GC:                      True
Thread count:                      111

Num clients, Total [msg], Msgs/sec, Total [ms]
         1,  200000,    130634,    1531.54
         5, 1000000,    246975,    4049.20
        10, 2000000,    244499,    8180.16
        15, 3000000,    244978,   12246.39
        20, 4000000,    245159,   16316.37
        25, 5000000,    243333,   20548.09
        30, 6000000,    241644,   24830.55

This represents a 24% overall throughput improvement in Akka.Remote across the board. We have additional PRs staged that should get aggregate performance improvements above 40% for Akka.Remote over v1.4.24 but they didn't make it into the Akka.NET v1.4.25 release.

You can see the full set of changes introduced in Akka.NET v1.4.25 here

32 1301 400 Aaron Stannard
4 358 184 Andreas Dirnberger
3 414 149 Gregorius Soedharmo
3 3 3 dependabot[bot]
2 43 10 zbynek001
1 14 13 tometchy
1 139 3 carlcamilleri


  • 42061a3 Merge pull request #5275 from akkadotnet/dev
  • f12e0b0 Akka.NET v1.4.25 Release Notes (#5274)
  • 024c684 obsolete Akka.Actor.Failure and use and improve Akka.Actor.Status (#5226)
  • 8279ed4 Make sure stdout-loglevel setting is honored through the whole actor system lifecycle (#5251)
  • 8f168fc experimenting with RemoteActorRefProvider address resolution performance (#5228)
  • 8a42eda Fix Dns.Resolve issue by using ContinueWith and AggregateException.Flatten (#5260)
  • 48a704c Ask should push unhandled answers into deadletter 2 (#5259)
  • 1f779fe disable Actor_PipeTo_should_not_be_delayed_by_async_receive (#5271)
  • 8d5de94 harden SqliteCurrentAllEventsSpec (#5270)
  • 2a3390c harden ClusterShardingLeavingSpec (#5164)
See More

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