github akka/akka-projection v1.0.0
Release 1.0.0 - GA

latest releases: v1.5.4, v1.5.3, v1.5.2...
3 years ago

We're proud to announce the release of Akka Projections 1.0.

The full documentation can be found at

Supported by Lightbend

Starting at Akka Projections 1.0.0, this module is now officially Supported as part of a Lightbend Subscription.

API stability

We consider the API stable even though we’re still not making any bincompat promise and you should consider all the public API as ApiMayChange. It might be changed based on feedback from initial usage.

Migrating from previous Release Candidates

If you have been using a Release Candidate with JDBC or Slick, there is a small change in the offset store table. The OFFSET column has been renamed to CURRENT_OFFSET. Make sure to rename it in your existing schema before upgrading to version 1.0.0.


Feedback, bug reports and feature requests are welcome as issues in akka-projection/issues.


For this release we had the help of 9 committers – thank you all very much!

commits   added  removed
    128   16517     6609  Renato Cavalcanti
     88   18580     2529  Patrik Nordwall
     43    7784     3363  Sean Glover
     28    3278      661  Ignasi Marimon-Clos
     11     339       45  Enno Runne
      1       5        5  Evan Chan
      1      11       11  Christopher Batey
      1      39       34  Claudio Scandura
      1       1        1  Johan Andrén

The Akka core team is employed by Lightbend. If you're looking to take your Akka systems to the next level, let's set up a time to discuss our enterprise-grade expert support, self-paced education courses, and technology enhancements that help you manage, monitor and secure your Akka systems - from development to production.

Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team

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