github akai-katto/dandere2x 2.1.3
Stability Improvements

latest releases: 3.7, 3.6.1b, 3.6b...
3 years ago


  • Back to using ffprobe to count the number of frames from a video since cv2 is unreliable / causing a lot of "stuck at 99%" errors. This should help with mkv files, as cv2 had issues counting mp4.

  • Added -crf 17 to "pre_process" settings due to user request for better pre-processed bitrate (it was fairly low before). Expect larger disk usage and processing times, but better quality. This is modifiable in the yaml.

  • Status will now say 100% instead of 99% when finished

  • Using 'stream=avg_frame_rate' as a means of getting the frame rate at the request of this user. Sorry it took so long, was figuring out life stuff.

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