github ajv-validator/ajv v8.0.0-beta.0

latest releases: v8.14.0, v8.13.0, v8.12.0...
pre-release3 years ago

JTD error objects:

  • schemaPath and instancePath are consistent with JSON Type Definition RFC
  • added properties keyword and params, message (can be removed with messages: false option) to error objects
    JTD error messages can be translated with ajv-i18n v4.0.0-beta.0
  • typescript: discriminated union type for JTD errors for type-safe error handling, errors need to be cast to JTDErrorObject type.

JSON Schema errors:

  • dataPath property replaced with instancePath (update in your code!)
  • "should" replaced with "must" in the messages
  • property name is removed from "propertyName" keyword error message (it is still available in error.params.propertyName).

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