github ajalt/clikt 2.8.0

latest releases: 5.0.3, 5.0.2, 5.0.1...
4 years ago


  • Added error parameter to PrintMessage and PrintHelpMessage. When true, CliktCommand.main will exit with status code 1. (#187)


  • When printHelpOnEmptyArgs is true and no arguments are present, or when invokeWithoutSubcommand is false and no subcommand is present, CliktCommand.main will now exit with status code 1 rather than 0.
  • restrictTo now works with any Comparable value, not just Number.
  • CliktCommand.main now accepts Array<out String>, not just Array<String>. (#196)


  • Fixed option values being reset when calling multiple subcommands with allowMultipleSubcommands=true (#190)

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