github airbytehq/airbyte v0.35.58-alpha

latest releases: v1.3.0, v1.2.0, v1.1.0...
pre-release2 years ago


672b347 Avoid double-calling the deleteConnection activity (#11246)
f77b592 Docs: Extended guide for local deployment on windows (#11255)
ff3f5e5 Updated the Snowflake doc for rradibility and usability (#11258)
7d715f6 Change getWorkspaceBySlugOptional to use direct sql statement (#11039)
84660a2 fix some spotbugsTest errors in source connectors (#11197)
9b7b46e 🐛 Destination Snowflake and Redshift : missing records when using S3 staging (#11254)
b9720d1 Disable refetch for reactQueries (#11200)
ca8022f 🐛 octavia-cli: cross-platform builds (arm64 + amd64) (#11226)

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