Hey ✌️
This week I migrated some URLs to the kitshn.app domain, made some changes to improve user experience (e.g., removed some bottom sheet dialogs because they were uneasy to use), added a way two ways to hide the "unallocated ingredients" warning and added a pinch of fixes as usual.
I will use the kitshn.app website to (presumably) create docs about kitshn and maintain a roadmap in the future.
kitshn.app is also available under GNU General Public License v3.0 at aimok04/kitshn.app.
- feat(ui): changed recipe and meal plan bottom sheets to dialogs
- feat(ui): added animation to fullscreen dialog
- feat(recipes): added ability to hide ingredient allocation action chip (#16)
- feat(settings): added toggle to ignore unallocated ingredients (resolved #16)
- chore(libs): version bumps
- feat(manifest): changed app link host
- feat(share): shortened share wrapper links
- feat(about): added website
- feat(about): changed contact mail
- feat(acra): changed acra report url
- feat(share): changed share wrapper url
- fix(ui): status bar icon color in fullscreen dialog
- fix(mealplan): hide keyboard after selecting meal type