Hey ✌️
This weeks release contains bug and crash fixes but also some new features:
- Added new » Add to shopping « dialog for individual selection of ingredients (#131).
- Added » Review items before adding to shopping « switch when creating new meal plan entry (#131).
- Added option to display tomorrow's meal plan entries on home (#130).
- kitshn now displays the step name in cooking mode (#132).
- kitshn now enables the » Touch Alternatives « option on macOS by default for better usability (#127).
- Fixed issue where app crashed when trying to start a timer on iOS (#115).
- Fixed issue where servings amount resets after opening cooking mode from meal plan entry (#129).
- Fixed recipe book showing as empty when only containing filtered recipes (#124).
- Fixed empty thumbnail when recipe book only contains filtered recipes.
- Fixed search query resetting when opening a recipe and going back (#120).
- Fixed issue where supermarket categories were sorted wrong (#117).
- Fixed issue where wrong Tandoor user was fetched and displayed (#114).
- feat(commonMain/recipes): added "add to shopping" dialog to enable individual selection of ingredients (#131)
- feat(commonMain/mealplan): added review "add to shopping" ingredients when adding a new meal plan entry (resolved #131)
- feat(commonMain/home): added options to hide meal plan promotion and to show tomorrow's entries instead (resolved #130)
- feat(commonMain/recipes): display step name on step page and in pager indicator in cooking mode if available (resolved #132)
- feat(commonMain/onboarding): always using users display_name on OnboardingWelcome page
- feat(commonMain/settings): added "Account" list item to SettingsServer
- feat(commonMain/home): added info dialog to space switcher when using API token authentication
- feat(iosApp): enable "Touch Alternatives" (for Macs with Apple silicon) by default to improve usability (resolved #127)
- feat(iosApp): set ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption to false in Info.plist
- fix(commonMain/recipes): disabled timer creation when launchTimerHandler isn't implemented on platform (#115)
- fix(commonMain/recipes): cache changed servings amount for app lifetime
- fix(commonMain/mealplan): keep changed servings value when switching to cooking mode (resolved #129)
- fix(commonMain/recipeBooks): keep duplicates from filterRecipes to avoid duplicate item keys in LazyVerticalStaggeredGrid
- fix(commonMain/recipeBooks): book having no thumbnail when only containing filtered recipes
- fix(commonMain/recipeBooks): don't show recipe book empty alert when book is empty but filter isn't (resolved #124)
- fix(commonMain/api): throwing error when retrieveSpaces() returns empty list (#122)
- fix(commonMain/search): keeping query remembered when closing search view or opening recipe (resolved #120)
- fix(androidMain/api): added trailing slash to TandoorStep.loadFile() to avoid redirect (#121)
- fix(commonMain/api): added trailing slashes in requests using Uri.Builder() to avoid redirects (resolved #121)
- fix(commonMain/shopping): entry ordering issue when supermarket category order number is >= 10 (resolved #117)
- fix(commonMain/api): wrong TandoorUser response by get() function (resolved #114)