github ai-shifu/ChatALL v1.0.0
Release v1.0.0

latest releases: v1.83.108, v1.82.107, v1.80.106...
20 months ago

After 10 alpha/beta releases, we got here! Thank you all, the early users!
历经 10 个 alpha 或 beta 版,终于来到了这里!谢谢你们,所有早期用户们!

Release notes

  1. Chat history is saved locally. It will be loaded on startup, and can be cleared by you
  2. Highlight the best responses and delete the worst
  3. Copy message button
  4. A guide about how to add a new bot


  1. 对话历史保存在本地,每次启动时被加载。你也可以清空它
  2. 你可以高亮最好的回答,和删除最差的
  3. 拷贝消息按钮
  4. 关于如何添加一个新的 AI 对话机器人的文档

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