Bug fixes
- [K0-120] - Handled long-running init containers correctly without pods getting restarted again
- [KO-116] - Default fsGroup set as root group ID(0) in pod security context to grant init containers write permission to filesystem volumes in OpenShift
- [KO-137] - Allow Aerospike image tags to have a hyphenated prefix and suffix
- [KO-138] - Allow PMEM in validation webhook
Known Issues
- There is a known issue in OLM-based installations (OperatorHub.io and on Red Hat OpenShift), where an upgrade to version 2.2.0 from 2.1.0 causes revoking of RBAC privileges required to run Aerospike clusters in Kubernetes namespaces other than the aerospike namespace. If you are running Aerospike clusters in Kubernetes namespaces other than the aerospike namespace, re-grant the RBAC privileges following instructions here.