github aeharding/voyager 1.29.0

latest releases: 2.21.0, 2.20.0, 2.19.4...
13 months ago

New Features

Default post sort

There is now a customizable post sort in Settings. This is a huge quality of life improvement, because now changing a sort on a page won't change sort on other feeds when you swipe back.

Feed loading placeholders

When images are loading in the feed, there is now a placeholder image. This should reduce the distance content is pushed around when images load in. Subtle, but nicer :)

NSFW image text

When a NSFW image is blurred in the feed, you will now see a NSFW text explainer

Quote button

There is now a quote button in the reply toolbar. It will automatically quote highlighted text, too!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.28.0...1.29.0

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