- Tracks & chapters table on audiobook page #394 #399
- Authors page #618
- Collapse series and collapse sub-series settings #99
- Separate podcast episode page & remove description from episode lists #588
- (Android) Home Screen Widget #307 by @KeyboardHammer in #597
- Show episode title on home page shelves #616
- Refresh bookshelf on screen orientation change #602
- Initialize haptic feedback with setting on launch #603
- Filtering/sorting in library after clicking an author card #607
- Podcast latest page refresh/redirect on library change
- (Android) Local podcast episodes saved with wrong duration
- (Android) Cancel sleep timer resetting volume #605
- (Android) Local library item page items cut-off by audio player #592
- (Android) Playback rate set on initial load #532
- (iOS) Downloaded podcast episode duration, playback session title
- (iOS) Downloading books with CD subfolders #620
- (iOS) Epub Reader freezing UI
- EReader padding and UI cleanup
- Library item page UI updates by @lkiesow in #571
- Audio player track requires dragging cursor to seek #457
- Audio player track padding to prevent triggering swipe to navigate
- Audio player and tracks rounded corners
- Increased padding on modals
- Show raw cover image in audio player #614
- Library item size moved to more info modal
- Remove padding above cover image on item page
- (iOS) Disable touch callout and user selection
Full Changelog: v0.9.62-beta...v0.9.63-beta