This is a 3.6.0 Patch 4.
- Export Game's Title into translations.
- Fixed Game.agf was not created after importing a 2.* game project (regression in 3.6.0).
- Character.AnimationVolume property is now applied to the portrait animation as well.
- Removed few of the less important game messages from logging, because they may quickly clutter the log under some circumstances.
- Fixed when animating a character portrait, the first frame's linked sound is not played.
- Fixed IsSpeechVoxAvailable() returning positive result if run from IDE and Speech folder is empty.
- Fixed speech and messages were skipped by modifiers and other special keys (Ctrl, Alt, etc).
- Fixed crash occuring when you resize DynamicSprite while it is displayed on screen.
- Fixed audio clip started right before a ChangeRoom would not play until after the room changes.
- Fixed in Software display mode the room Overlays may not be properly covered by a walk-behind under very specific conditions.
- Fixed System.Log() would cause engine crash if there are more format placeholders than args.
- Fixed some game options that are not allowed to be changed at runtime could still be overwritten when restoring an old save, leading to a weird game behavior.