github adventuregamestudio/ags v.
v. - Alpha 6

latest releases: v4.0.0.6, v3.6.1.25, v4.0.0.5...
pre-release2 years ago

An Alpha build of a SDL2-based engine, for public test.

Backported a number of simplier Script API entries from ags4 branch.

  • DrawingSurface.DrawImage() and DrawSurface() now accept optional source rect coordinates, so you can draw a chosen part of the sprite directly;
DrawingSurface.DrawImage(int x, int y, int spriteSlot, optional int transparency, optional int width, optional int height,
		optional int cut_x, optional int cut_y, optional int cut_width, optional int cut_height);
  • Room.Exists(): tests if the room of certain number is available;
  • WaitMouse(): complements other Wait* functions.
  • SkipWait(): skips current Wait (will normally only work from repeatedly_execute_always callback).
  • All the Wait* functions now accept "0" as "no timeout", in which case waiting may only be interrupted using either corresponding input or SkipWait.
  • All the Wait* functions now return a code telling how they were interrupted:
    • positive value means a key code;
    • negative value means a -(mouse code);
    • 0 means timeout or interrupt with a script command.[/quote]
  • Characters now may be scaled freely, not limited to 5 - 200% (new range is 1 - 32767 for technical reasons).
  • Object.SetView() now resets loop and frame to 0 by default. Previously default was -1 which made object retain loop & frame, which was often unexpected, and could cause game errors.
  • Object.ManualScaling and Scaling properties, now letting to scale an object by command similar to Character (previously objects were only scaled by the walkable area).
  • Game.BlockingWaitSkipped: returns the last reason of the last blocking action interruption: this is same as Wait* function return value, but also works for skipped blocking speech, and so on.
  • Speech.TextOverlay and Speech.PortraitOverlay: give access to the text and portrait overlays of a current blocking speech. In practice these are only available in repeatedly_execute_always callback. Among other things, these properties allow to detect appearance, removal, and change of the blocking speech; also calling Speech.TextOverlay.Remove() will work as a speech interrupt.
  • System.Log(): prints into the engine log.

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