3.6.0 Beta release, for public test.
- Added "Help" option to the editor pane's tab context menu.
- Dialog scripts now too can open help topics for keywords or script functions under cursor on F1.
- Fixed not showing correct help topics for several panels on F1.
- Added "multitasking" option to config in "[misc]" category, that defines the starting multitasking mode (may later be changed by SetMultitaskingMode in script).
- Added stubs for agsshell plugin (a contemporary cross-platform variant of ags_shell).
- Fixed characters switching to a wrong loop unnecessarily if a current walking directional loop does not have as many frames as the previous one (regression since
- Fixed GUI controls don't update immediately when game translation changes.
- Fixed saving of dynamic sprites and screenshots to a file (or a savegame).
- Fixed certain OGG clips stuck in loading forever.
- Fixed sound clips getting stuck in a playback state near the end if their size is a multiple of 65536.
- Fixed some clips reporting a large negative number as their length (should report 0 instead if it cannot calculate one for whatever reason)
- Fixed multitasking mode persisting if the game was switched from windowed to real fullscreen mode (even though it's not supposed to work in exclusive fullscreen).
- Fixed Direct3D renderer not able to restore an exclusive fullscreen mode after switching out from the game window.
- Fixed game not reacting to system close commands when stuck in script, which made it impossible to close the "hanging" game by usual means (other than terminating the process).
- Fixed number of occasional crash cases on game exit.