github adventuregamestudio/ags v.
v. - Alpha 11

latest releases: v4.0.0.6, v3.6.1.25, v4.0.0.5...
pre-release2 years ago

An Alpha build of a 3.6.0, for public test.


  • Added "Use graphical font height in game logic" property to the General Settings, that makes your game use real font's pixel height when arranging text and text-based UI elements, as opposed to the nominal font's size.
  • Fixed "Use old-style custom dialog options API" was not set when importing pre-3.4.0 projects.
  • Fixed comboboxes' drop-down arrows were not painted with the right color from a color theme.

Script compiler:

  • Removed 500-characters line limit.

Script API:

  • Debug(2, 0) command that displayed walkable areas is superceded by Debug(2, n), where "n" is a mask type: 0 - none, 1 - hotspots, 2 - walkbehinds, 3 - walkable areas, 4 - regions. This command also works as a toggle switch, calling it with the same mask index will turn it off.
  • Debug(5, n) command that displayed character's walk paths now also works as a toggle switch.


  • Support "borderless full-screen window" mode in addition to the real (exclusive) fullscreen.
  • Support scripts using functions and variables (imported) from any other scripts, regardless of the script module order in the project.
  • Engine now supports using real pixel height of the TTF fonts when arranging text and UI elements on screen; using nominal import size of the font is used as a compatible mode for the old games.
  • Engine now ensures that in threaded audio mode the script's AudioChannel's state only changes once the game is updated, and not while the game script is running. This prevents situations when the clip could begin playing before all properties are set in script, or when AudioChannel's properties' values (such as Position) could change while running a game script.
  • Character.SetWalkSpeed() is no longer restricted by an arbitrary limit of 50.
  • File.ReadRawLineBack() now always reads full line, and not limited to 200 characters anymore.
  • Debug displays, such as showing room mask and character walk paths, are now implemented as non-blocking translucent overlays, allowing you to keep playing the game while they are on.
  • Engine config now has graphic modes defined as a simplier string options: "[graphics] fullscreen" for the fullscreen mode setup, and "[graphics] window" for the windowed. Fullscreen option can explicitly define a "borderless full-screen window" mode. (See below for the new config explanation; it will be also added to documentation later).
  • Fixed engine could crash due to incorrect disposal of resources if its startup was interrupted for any reason.
  • Fixed some TTF fonts were not centered correctly and/or cut from below when text is displayed.
  • Fixed crash in case there were too many reserved audio channels.
  • Fixed new sound panning implementation.
  • Fixed character may have incorrect Frame values while turning.
  • In old games SetObjectFrame fallbacks to a dummy frame in an empty loop.


  • Fixed reading of separate game files (not merged with the main AGS game file) from inside the APK.


  • Added "Fullscreen as borderless window" checkbox.

New graphics mode configuration:

Instead of having several detached options that combined would result in a window size definition, there's now only 1 option (per mode) that contains all possible variants in a single string:

  • WxH - explicit window size (e.g. 1280x720);
  • xS - integer game scaling factor (e.g. x4);
  • desktop - use current system's desktop resolution;
    ** in windowed mode will try to create largest possible resizing window, while keeping game scaling style (max stretch, proportional stretch or max integer multiplier);
  • native - use game's native resolution;
  • full_window - special option for the fullscreen mode, this means a borderless window covering whole desktop;
  • default - currently we default to (this is also a fallback option in case config parsing went wrong):
    ** in fullscreen mode to full_window;
    ** in windowed mode to desktop;

In [graphics] section fullscreen mode is defined by the option "fullscreen" while the windowed mode is defined by the option "window".

Config example:


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