This is a 3.5.1 Patch 17.
- Fixed GUI.Visible property was resetting to false when PopupStyle is switched to Modal.
- Performance improvement in Direct3D/OpenGL renderers, related to plugins which subscribe to render events.
- Fixed renderer error occuring if room background frames are of different sizes.
- Fixed software renderer may have an unpainted black line at the bottom, if there's a GUI or Overlay positioned partially offscreen.
- Fixed GUI buttons could retain mouse-over pic after interface is disabled then enabled (this is a regression since recent patch).
- Fixed crash occuring when user creates too many Overlays in script; will report a scripting error instead.
- Fixed memory leak occuring when the TTF font is drawn partially outside the DrawingSurface.
- Fixed Parser.Said() could lead to a program crash in case there are space-separated words following the comma (e.g. "climb,get in bed").
- Fixed crash occuring if a plugin tried to call SetVirtualScreen().
- Fixed SnowRain plugin drawing particles only in 320x200 bounds.