github adventuregamestudio/ags v.
v. - Beta 1

latest releases: v4.0.0.6, v3.6.1.25, v4.0.0.5...
pre-release3 years ago

3.5.1 Beta 1, for public test.

Changes since 3.5.0:


  • Display aspect ratio in game resolution dialog.
  • Improved tab switching performance for script windows.
  • Deprecated "Limit display mode to 16-bit" property in Runtime Setup as it's no longer
    used by the engine.
  • Editor will now enforce full game rebuild after upgrading an older project, this ensures
    that all scripts are recompiled with the new version rules.
  • Fixed room lists in property editor were not updated after room number is changed.
  • Fixed importing pre-3.* projects broken by incorrect assignment of "Game file name" property.


  • Implemented correct parsing of a "const string" function return type.
  • Fixed implementing imported functions was forbidden in the room scripts.

Script API:

  • GetTranslation() now returns "const string" (was "string"). This is to prevent modifying
    returned string using old-style string functions, such as StrCat(), as this string may be
    allocated in the internal engine memory for its own use.


  • Support loading audio and video from data packages larger than 2 GB.
  • Improved game data loading times by introducing buffered file stream. Initial tests
    showed 3-4 times faster file reading.
  • Some improvement to general script perfomance.
  • Some improvement to script Dictionary and Set types perfomance.
  • Room Object's Graphic property now can be assigned a sprite with index over 32767 and
    up to 65535. This restriction is due to internal data format, which cannot be fully fixed
    without breaking compatibility with plugin API. This may still be worked around by assigning
    a View, as View's frames may contain sprites of any index available.
  • Similarily, Object's View, Loop and Frame can now be assigned a value over 32767 and
    up to 65535; not that this was ever an issue...
  • Removed arbitrary limit of 1000000 dynamic array elements (now supports over 2 billion).
  • Dialogs with no enabled options left will be now stopped, instead of raising script error.
  • Engine will not longer quit the game when failing to write a save, but simply display an
    error on screen (...why this was a thing in the first place?!).
  • When restoring a save engine will now try to match game GUID pack rather than exe/pack name.
    This resolves potential problems when game package may have different name in distribution
    to another system. Also makes saves in multi-game collections more reliable.
  • In Debug game mode allow to toggle infinite FPS mode (prior it could not be turned off).
  • Expanded text parser error messages for easier debugging.
  • Adjusted all the command-line options to have consistent prefix convention, where all full-name
    options must be preceded by double-dash, and one-letter options by single dash.
  • Fully configurable log output (in both game config and command line) allows to set up which
    message types and groups are printed by which output methods (sinks), including: file,
    system console, in-game console. "warnings.log" is now created only if file log was not
    requested by user.
  • Added "--log-" set of command line options for setting up log output.
  • Added "--tell-filepath" option for printing known engine's and game's file locations.
  • Added "--tell-gameproperties" option for printing some of the game's general settings.
  • Support proper lookup for Allegro 4 library resources (such as its own config and digital MIDI
    patches) in the game directory.
  • Engine will no longer precreate directories for common files: saves, user config, and so forth,-
    before actually writing them.
  • Fixed running game from another directory by passing its relative filename as command-line
    argument: in this case engine was incorrectly using its own directory to search for external
    game data, opening files for reading by script command, and so on.
  • Fixed some of the engine's own hotkeys (such windowed/fullscreen mode toggle) not working
    during certain skippable game states.
  • Fixed overlay was set to wrong position if it were using TextWindow gui and either its text
    or X, Y properties got changed.
  • Fixed characters and room objects were not updating their looks if their current graphic was
    a Dynamic Sprite, and that sprite was modified with ChangeCanvasSize, CopyTransparencyMask,
    Crop, Flip, Resize, Rotate or Tint function.
  • Fixed Views' frames keeping reference to deleted Dynamic Sprites.
  • Fixed animated cursor's normal graphic reappearing in between animation frames if mouse mode
    is being repeatedly reassigned, for example in rep-exec script.
  • Fixed ListBox.FillSaveGameList() search pattern, it included files which contain save filename
    pattern but do not exactly match; for example: "agssave.001_".
  • Fixed engine was ignoring audio files in game directory when running games which use
    old audio system.
  • Fixed Direct3D was assigning wrong fullscreen refresh rate sometimes, slowing alt-tabbing.


  • Fixed engine was trying to read unnecessary data when loading pre-2.72 games.
  • Fixed "upscale" mode for old games (was broken in 3.5.0). Also engine will now try to detect
    if "upscale" mode wanted by reading old config options (if they are present).


  • Added "--no-message-box" command line option to hide message boxes when alerts are raised.
  • Added "--console-attach" command line option to try attach to the parent process's console.

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