First of all, sorry for being so absent the last few months. I plan to return to working on Voyager in January, but I will gladly accept PRs anytime!
I want to thank @Syer10 for his great work on fixing bugs, we are closer to a stable 1.0 release because of you ❤️
- Check if the activity is changing configurations before clearing the navigator (#84) by @Syer10
- Handle Lifecycle.Event instead of managing the states themselves, include a onStart and onStop function to say when the screen is displayed (#87) by @Syer10
- Add support for HasDefaultViewModelProviderFactory by returning a SavedStateViewModelFactory (#88) by @Syer10
- Creates
replaceAll(items: List<Item>)
allowing a step to replace the navigation stack with another stack (#95) by @Alaksion - Updated dependencies
- Kotlin 1.7.10
- Jetpack Compose 1.3.1
- Compose Multiplatform 1.2.1