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User Sync version 2.0

latest releases: v2.10.0rc2, v2.10.0rc1, v2.9.1...
7 years ago

This is the 2.0 release of User Sync from Adobe. This release has extensive feature and performance enhancements and, while it can be configured so as to have the same function as prior releases, its default invocation and configuration behavior is not backwards compatible. Please read these release notes carefully, and refer to the complete documentation for details.

New Arguments & Configuration Syntax

There has been an extensive overhaul of both the configuration file syntax and the command-line argument syntax. See Issue 95 and the docs for details.

New Features

  1. You can now exclude Adobe users from being updated or deleted by User Sync. See the docs for details.
  2. There is more robust reporting for errors in configuration files.
  3. The log now reports the User Sync version and gives the details of how it was invoked.
  4. You can now create and manage users of all identity types, including Adobe IDs, both when operating from an LDAP directory and from CSV files.
  5. You can now distinguish, when a customer directory user is disabled or removed, whether to remove the matching Adobe-side user's product configurations and user groups, to remove the user but leave his cloud storage, or to delete his storage as well.

Significant Bug Fixes

  1. There were many bugs fixed related to managing users of identity types other than Federated ID.
  2. There were many bugs fixes related to managing group membership of all identity types.
  3. There was a complete overhaul of how users who have adobe group memberships in multiple organizations are managed.

Changes in Behavior

All options now apply to users of all identity types. Previously, some had applied only to Federated ID and some to Enterprise ID.

Compatibility with Prior Versions

All existing configuration files, user input files, and command-line scripts will need to be revamped to be compatible with the new formats. Here is a quick cheat sheet of what needs to be done.

Configuration Files

  • replace dashboard: with adobe_users:
  • replace directory: with directory_users:
  • add a connectors: section under adobe_users: similar to the one under directory_users
  • change owning to be umapi and put it under connectors
  • if you access multiple organizations, remove secondaries, and put all the umapi specifications under umapi as a list, like this:
      - primary-config.yml
      - org1: org1-config.yml
      - org2: org2-config.yml
  • change dashboard_groups to adobe_groups
  • under limits, change max_missing_users to max_adobe_only_users and remove all other settings
  • if you have an extension, do the following:
    • remove the per-context: user setting
    • move all the settings under it to the top level in a new file, call it extension.yaml
    • change extensions to extension, move it into the directory_users section, and put the relative path to the new extension.yaml file as its value.

User Input Files

If you have a file that lists users for input (--users file f), the column head user should be changed to username.

Removed User Input Files

The format for files containing users to be removed/deleted has changed, and you will need to regenerate these files rather than using any existing ones.

Command Line Scripts

  • All of the options related to Adobe user removal have been changed to use the new --adobe-only-user-action argument.
  • The --source-filter argument has been removed. Use the configuration setting all_users_filter instead.

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