github adferrand/dnsrobocert v3.0.0
DNSroboCert 3.0.0

latest releases: v3.25.0, v3.24.2, v3.24.1...
4 years ago


  • Complete refactoring of former adferrand/letsencrypt-dns into DNSroboCert. Docker image is now
    adferrand/dnsrobocer and is available in DockerHub. Standalone tool is installable through PyPI at
  • DNSroboCert does not use environment variables + domains.conf anymore. If you come from the
    adferrand/letsencrypt-dns Docker image, the corresponding YAML configuration file is dynamically
    generated at /etc/dnsrobocert/config.yml. Please see
    for more details.
  • Complete CI/CD flow, with unit/integration tests, code quality, type checking and automated deployment.
  • New features (configurable with config.yml, not legacy configuration):
    • you can now define multiple DNS providers in one single instance of DNSroboCert
    • the custom deploy scripts and PFX exports are defined per certificate
    • force renew can be set for specific certificates


  • Along with migration to DNSroboCert, all bash files are rewritten into Python.
  • Certificate renewal is not handled automatically anymore by an external cron task, but by DNSroboCert directly.


  • Configuration of certificate renewal frequency has been removed.

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