github adaptyteam/AdaptySDK-React-Native v2.11.0

one month ago


  • Since this version we are using CDN for even more use-cases. This technology helps us to synchronize data much faster.
  • Added optional ipAddressCollectionDisabled parameter to Input.ActivateParamsInput.


  • remoteConfig is now an AdaptyRemoteConfig object, which contains data, dataString and lang properties.
  • New method .setFallbackPaywalls(paywallsLocation: Input.FallbackPaywallsLocation) accepts object that represents the location of file resource instead of string in .setFallbackPaywalls(paywalls: string).

⚠️ Warning: Please ensure you update the Fallback Paywalls files before releasing a new version.

⚠️ Warning: Please also make sure that the file with fallback paywalls is being correctly added to native bundles (the most straightforward way to do so is to put the corresponding file right to the target directory on the native layer for Android, or use the menu Add Files to "YourProjectName" in the XCode for iOS).
On iOS, after the file is correctly added, you can simply pass { fileName: 'ios_fallbacks.json' } (or other file name if differs) to the ios property of FallbackPaywallsLocation.
For Android, there are 2 correct directories to put the file: android/app/src/main/assets/ and android/app/src/main/res/raw/. Depending on it, you can pass { relativeAssetPath: 'android_fallbacks.json' }, { relativeAssetPath: 'paywalls/android_fallbacks.json' } (if the file '' is located in the nested paywalls folder in the assets directory) or { rawResName: 'android_fallbacks' } (please note that it's without file extension in this case) to the android property of FallbackPaywallsLocation.

⚠️ Warning: If you use AdaptyUI, please update it to 2.11.0.

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