github adafruit/circuitpython 3.0.0

latest releases: 9.1.0-beta.1, 9.0.4, 9.0.3...
5 years ago

3.0.0 is the latest major revision of CircuitPython and features new support for the SAMD51 (aka M4) and preliminary support for the nRF52 BLE chipset. It also features better memory utilization so more can be loaded in the same amount of space.

General release

We believe this release is stable and relatively bug free. So, please try this before trying 2.x. If you find issues please file an issue.

Changes since Release Candidate 1


To install follow the instructions in our new Welcome to CircuitPython! guide. To install the latest libraries, see this page in that guide.

Try the latest version of the Mu editor for creating and editing your CircuitPython programs and for easy access to the CircuitPython serial connection (the REPL).

All builds are available as both UF2 and bin files here along with test builds.

New Features in 3.0.0

Breaking Changes!

  • ustruct has been replaced with struct to match CPython.
  • ucollections has been replaced with collections to match CPython. Thanks @bildzeitung.
  • ubinascii is renamed binascii to match CPython. Thanks @jepler
  • The mpy format has changed so make sure and use a 3.0.0 bundle for libraries.
  • Non-standard array types inherited from MicroPython are no longer supported in favor of matching CPython. Thanks to @jepler.
  • audioio.AudioOut now takes the sample to playback in play rather than in the constructor. (This enables playback through other outputs such as audiobusio.I2SOut.) It also means you only need one AudioOut for multiple samples.
  • PDMIn's frequency property has been renamed to sample_rate.
  • Trinket M0 and Gemma M0 builds no longer include pin objects for all microcontroller pins. They only include those used by the board. Thanks to @rhooper
  • Auto-reload no longer uses KeyboardInterruptException but rather its own ReloadException. Thanks to @rhooper


Thank you to all who used, tested, contributed, helped out, and participated on GitHub, sprinted with us at PyCon and/or chatted with us on Discord:
@ladyada, @dhalbert, @tannewt, @kattni, @microbuilder, @arturo182, @jamesadevine, @tralamazza, @hathach, @glennrub, @siddacious, @deshipu, @tdicola, @mrmcwethy, @willingc, @sommersoft, @deanm1278, @jerryneedell, @stewmystre, @boneskull, @Sigafoos, @brentru, @caternuson, @process1183, @Andon-A, @asherlie, adamwolf, dastels, @hukuzatuna, @KurticusMaximus, nis, BravoDelta, aj_nys, @wolf, @vesperk38, @jepler, @notro, CGrover, @larsks, @WestfW, @rhooper, @khawley, @godlygeek, @bildzeitung, @matt-land, @wickedchicken, @margaret, sdw_nj, @ntoll, @SConaway, @dglaude, @nickzoic, MikeBarela, Josh, Les, @cefn, papahabla, hotcarrier, Bill_R, and from PyCon sprints: Dylan W, Anders, David, Dylan H, Adam, John, Chris, Lady Red, Craig, Aaron, John, Boris, Drew and Kathryn and surely more we have missed. Join us on the Discord chat to collaborate.


Documentation is available on

Here are all the changes since 2.3.1.

This release is based on MicroPython 1.9.3. Support upstream MicroPython by purchasing a PyBoard (from Adafruit here).


Pre-built mpy-cross executables are available above for MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu, and Raspbian.


Check out this guide for info on common problems with CircuitPython. If you are still having, then post to the Adafruit Support Forums and join Discord.

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