github actualbudget/releases 0.0.129

latest releases: 0.0.148, 0.0.147, 0.0.146...
3 years ago

This is a big release that lays the foundation for custom reports and many other things! It introduces a new system for how data is queried that is more robust and expressive. The transactions table has been refactored to use the new system, in addition to reports and many other things, so a lot has changed. Please [](get in touch) if you see anything wrong!

The API for transactions has changed, so if you are using the API be sure to read below and check out the docs. You will need to update any scripts that use transactions.

  • %FEATURE% Transaction filtering! This is the first big feature to take advantage of the new query system. Use filters to dig through your data with conditions on specific fields. You can filter on any field, and use several operators on them similar to how rules work. Filter by a category on a specific month, all transactions within a date range, and more. The design of the account screen has been updated for this feature.

Note: Searching specific fields in the search bar with the format like date:01/01/2021 is no longer supported. However, typing a date like 1/1/2021 in the search box now automatically only shows transactions for that date. In the future, we will explore creating filters from the search bar more closely.


  • %FEATURE% The balance of all selected transactions is now shown beside the account balance.


  • %FEATURE% Integrate new keyboard handling library for improved shortcuts. Now you can press cmd/ctrl+f from anywhere in the account screen to focus the search bar, in addition to all other existing shortcuts.


  • %FEATURE% When using the search bar to filter transactions, transactions are faded out if they don't match but appear anyway. This happens with split transactions; all of the transactions that make up the split are returned even if only one of them matched.


  • %FEATURE% The behavior of automatically creating categorization rules has been tweaked. Previously, whenever you categorized a transaction, it would create a rule to remember that category for next time (if it didn't already exist). It would do this the first time you used a category for a new payee. This was a bit too aggressive, causing confusing and incorrect categorization often. Now, Actual will wait until you use the same category for a payee at least 3 times in a similar timeframe to create the rule. This should make automatic categorization more accurate.

  • %FEATURE% ActualQL is the new query system, now available in the API! Go read about ActualQL in the docs about how to use it. In the future, various pieces of it will also be exposed within the app itself.

  • %FEATURE% %MOBILE% The transactions list on the mobile app now implements infinite scrolling. It will load more transactions automatically as you scroll.

  • %BUG% Fix bug where sometimes the transaction list would randomly scroll after applying a bulk edit and closing the modal (ok, it's not random, it was focusing the first selected transaction but it made it feel very jarring).

  • %BUG% Clicking on "spent" amount always shows the right transactions now.

  • %BUG% Fix bug where starting reconciliation with an amount of 0 would not work.

  • %BUG% Fix bug where the payee autocomplete would appear over an opened model sometimes.

  • %BUG% Fix a rare problem when loading rules that would make the app crash on startup.

  • %API% There are a few breaking API changes. You will need to update your scripts. The following fields of the transaction object have been renamed:

    • account_id -> account
    • payee_id -> payee
    • payee -> payee_name
    • category_id -> category

The documentation for Transaction has been updated.

Additionally, cleared is a now returned from the API. filterTransactions is deprecated, instead you should use ActualQL (see above).

  • %API% Split transactions are now updated from API. If you change the amount of a subtransaction, in the app it will now tell you if the amounts sum up correctly or not, just like it would if you updated it in the app.

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