github actualbudget/releases 0.0.106

latest releases: 0.0.148, 0.0.147, 0.0.146...
4 years ago

This is a small update for desktop:


  • Implement a "cover overspending" option in the menu when clicking on a category balance in the budget. This is essentially the same thing as transferring money, but in reverse. It allows you to take money from another category to cover overspending.
  • Relax transaction matching. Previously, it would only match transactions if the dates were relatively similar, the amounts were exactly the same, and if the payees were relative similar. Now it will match regardless of the payee (only check date and amount), but it will still prefer the payees to be similar. That means if there are multiple transactions with the same amount, it will at least to attempt to match the correct one.
  • Revamp settings page
  • Provide the option to customize where files are stored (see "global" tab in settings)
  • Add cmd + , shortcut to open settings in macOS
  • Implement a lot of internal UI changes to prepare for the automatic bank syncing feature.


  • Fix problem where buttons are in the "hover" state even after you click on them
  • Fix number formatting. The 0.0.106 accidentally broke alternate number formats.

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