github actions/runner-images win22/20230314.1
Windows Server 2022 (20230314) Image Update

15 months ago
[All OSes] Go 1.17.x will be removed and 1.20.x set as default on April, 3

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Windows Server 2022

  • OS Version: 10.0.20348 Build 1547
  • Image Version: 20230314.1

📣 What's changed?

Deleted ➖

Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 > Microsoft Visual C++

Name Architecture Version
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x64 10.0.40219
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable x86 10.0.40219


Category Tool name Previous (20230307.2) Current (20230314.1)
Language and Runtime Bash 5.2.12(1)-release 5.2.15(1)-release
Node 18.14.2 18.15.0
Package Management Helm 3.11.1 3.11.2
Pipx 1.1.0 1.2.0
Vcpkg (build from commit e69c9817d) (build from commit cfdeb75bb)
Tools Bicep 0.14.85 0.15.31
CMake 3.25.2 3.25.3
CodeQL Action Bundles 2.12.2 2.12.3 2.12.3 2.12.4
ghc 9.4.4 9.6.1
ImageMagick 7.1.0-61 7.1.1-3
Pulumi 3.56.0 3.57.1
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.152 3.0.156
AWS CLI 2.11.0 2.11.2
GitHub CLI 2.23.0 2.24.3
Rust Tools Cargo 1.67.1 1.68.0
Rust 1.67.1 1.68.0
Rustdoc 1.67.1 1.68.0
Rust Tools >
Clippy 0.1.67 0.1.68
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 110.0.5481.178 111.0.5563.65
Chrome Driver 110.0.5481.77 111.0.5563.64
Microsoft Edge 110.0.1587.63 111.0.1661.41
Microsoft Edge Driver 110.0.1587.63 111.0.1661.41
Mozilla Firefox 110.0.1 111.0
Cached Tools Go 1.19.6, 1.20.1 1.19.7, 1.20.2
Node.js 18.14.2 18.15.0
PowerShell Tools >
Powershell Modules
AWSPowershell 4.1.285 4.1.290


Package Name Version
Android SDK Platforms android-33-ext4 (rev 1)
android-33 (rev 1)
android-32 (rev 1)
android-31 (rev 1)
android-30 (rev 3)
android-29 (rev 5)
android-28 (rev 6)
android-27 (rev 3)
Android SDK Platform-Tools 34.0.0
Android SDK Platforms android-33-ext5 (rev 1)
android-33-ext4 (rev 1)
android-33 (rev 2)
android-32 (rev 1)
android-31 (rev 1)
android-30 (rev 3)
android-29 (rev 5)
android-28 (rev 6)
android-27 (rev 3)
Android SDK Platform-Tools 34.0.1

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

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