github actions/runner-images win16/20210509.1
Windows Server 2016 (20210509 update)

3 years ago

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

  • Image Version: 20210509.1

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • Go 1.15.12
  • PHP 8.0.6

Package Management

  • Composer 2.0.13
  • pip 21.1.1 (python 3.7)
  • Pipx
  • Vcpkg (build from master <770dc02>)

Project Management

  • Maven 3.8.1
  • sbt 1.5.1


  • Bazelisk 1.8.1
  • CMake 3.20.2
  • CodeQL Action Bundle 2.5.4
  • Google Cloud SDK 339.0.0
  • Newman 5.2.3
  • Pulumi v3.2.1
  • Stack 2.7.1

CLI Tools

  • Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.74
  • AWS CLI 2.2.3
  • Azure CLI 2.23.0

Rust Tools

  • Cargo 1.52.0
  • Rust 1.52.0
  • Rustdoc 1.52.0
  • Rustup 1.24.1


  • cargo-audit 0.14.1
  • Clippy 0.1.52

Browsers and webdrivers

  • Google Chrome 90.0.4430.93
  • Microsoft Edge 90.0.818.56
  • Microsoft Edge Driver 90.0.818.56
  • Mozilla Firefox 88.0.1

Cached Tools


Version Architecture Environment Variable
1.15.12 (Default) x64 GOROOT_1_15_X64
1.16.4 x64 GOROOT_1_16_X64


Version Architecture
3.8.10 x64, x86
3.9.5 x64, x86

Web Servers

Name Version ConfigFile ServiceName ServiceStatus ListenPort
Apache 2.4.47 C:\tools\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf Apache Stopped 80

Visual Studio Enterprise 2017

Workloads, components and extensions:

Package Version
SSDT Microsoft Analysis Services Projects 2.9.6
SSDT Microsoft Reporting Services Projects 2.6
SSDT SQL Server Integration Services Projects 2.6.3

PowerShell Tools

Powershell Modules

Module Version
Pester 3.4.0, 5.2.0


Package Name Version
Android Command Line Tools 4.0
CMake 3.10.2, 3.18.1

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