github actions/runner-images win16/20200920.1
Windows Server 2016 (20200920 update)

[In Discussion] Git internal tools will be removed from PATH Windows images

Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter

  • Image Version: 20200920.1

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • Node 12.18.4

Package Management

  • Helm 3.3.3


  • Docker 19.03.12
  • Docker-compose 1.27.2
  • Google Cloud SDK 310.0.0
  • Kind 0.9.0
  • Pulumi v2.10.1

CLI Tools

  • AWS CLI 2.0.50
  • Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.59
  • GitHub CLI 1.0.0

Rust Tools


  • cbindgen 0.14.5

Cached Tools


Version Architecture
10.22.1 x64
12.18.4 x64
14.11.0 x64


Python Version Architecture PyPy Version
2.7.13 x86 PyPy 7.3.1 with MSC v.1912 32 bit
3.6.9 x86 PyPy 7.3.1 with MSC v.1912 32 bit

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