github actions/runner-images ubuntu20/20250105.1
Ubuntu 20.04 (20250105) Image Update

4 days ago
[Windows & Ubuntu] Breaking change : Maven 3.8.* version will be updated to Maven 3.9.* from January 17,2025
[Ubuntu] Breaking Change: runner user will have UID 1001 instead of 1000 for larger runners
Ubuntu-latest workflows will use Ubuntu-24.04 image

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1074-azure
  • Image Version: 20250105.1.1
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.24

📣 What's changed?

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20241215.1.0)
Cached Tools Python 3.7.17


Category Tool name Previous (20241215.1.0) Current (20250105.1.1)
Language and Runtime Erlang 25.3 (Eshell 13.2) 25.3.2 (Eshell 13.2.2)
Package Management Helm 3.16.3 3.16.4
Homebrew 4.4.11 4.4.14
Miniconda 24.9.2 24.11.1
Vcpkg (build from commit b545373a9) (build from commit 65be70199)
Project Management Gradle 8.11.1 8.12
Sbt 1.10.6 1.10.7
Tools CMake 3.31.2 3.31.3
Docker-Buildx 0.19.2 0.19.3
Kind 0.25.0 0.26.0
Parcel 2.13.2 2.13.3
Pulumi 3.143.0 3.144.1
Terraform 1.10.2 1.10.3
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.22.17 2.22.28
GitHub CLI 2.63.2 2.64.0
Google Cloud CLI 503.0.0 504.0.1
Netlify CLI 17.38.0 17.38.1
ORAS CLI 1.2.1 1.2.2
Vercel CLI 39.2.2 39.2.5
PHP Tools PHP 8.2.26, 8.3.14 8.2.27, 8.3.15
Haskell Tools Cabal
GHC 9.10.1 9.12.1
Stack 3.1.1 3.3.1
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 131.0.6778.139 131.0.6778.204
ChromeDriver 131.0.6778.108 131.0.6778.204
Microsoft Edge 131.0.2903.99 131.0.2903.112
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 131.0.2903.87 131.0.2903.112
Mozilla Firefox 133.0 133.0.3
Cached Tools Python 3.9.20, 3.10.15 3.9.21, 3.10.16


Package Name Version
Android SDK Platforms android-35-ext14 (rev 1)
android-35 (rev 1)
android-34-ext8 (rev 1)
android-34-ext12 (rev 1)
android-34-ext11 (rev 1)
android-34-ext10 (rev 1)
android-34 (rev 3)
android-33-ext5 (rev 1)
android-33-ext4 (rev 1)
android-33 (rev 3)
android-32 (rev 1)
android-31 (rev 1)
Android SDK Platforms android-35-ext14 (rev 1)
android-35 (rev 2)
android-34-ext8 (rev 1)
android-34-ext12 (rev 1)
android-34-ext11 (rev 1)
android-34-ext10 (rev 1)
android-34 (rev 3)
android-33-ext5 (rev 1)
android-33-ext4 (rev 1)
android-33 (rev 3)
android-32 (rev 1)
android-31 (rev 1)

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
debian:11 ~~sha256:e91d1b0684e0f26a29c2353c52d4814f4d153e10b1faddf9fbde473ed71e2fcf ~~ 2024-12-02
moby/buildkit:latest ~~sha256:58e6d150a3c5a4b92e99ea8df2cbe976ad6d2ae5beab39214e84fada05b059d5 ~~ 2024-12-04
node:18 ~~sha256:b57ae84fe7880a23b389f8260d726b784010ed470c2ee26d4e2cbdb955d25b12 ~~ 2024-11-15
node:20 ~~sha256:f4755c9039bdeec5c736b2e0dd5b47700d6393b65688b9e9f807ec12f54a8690 ~~ 2024-11-20
node:22 ~~sha256:35a5dd72bcac4bce43266408b58a02be6ff0b6098ffa6f5435aeea980a8951d7 ~~ 2024-12-03
debian:11 sha256:21b74d95871e8676a0cf47df9caebb1021b2af60b9a6e4777ce92f92f98e3a90 2024-12-23
moby/buildkit:latest sha256:86c0ad9d1137c186e9d455912167df20e530bdf7f7c19de802e892bb8ca16552 2024-12-16
node:18 sha256:7f31a1eb14c61719b8bb0eaa029310cc33851f71d3578cc422b390f8096977c5 2024-11-15
node:20 sha256:d17aaa2a2fd82e09bd6a6da7cc4a79741340d2a3e39d172d1b30f295b1a850ff 2024-11-20
node:22 sha256:0e910f435308c36ea60b4cfd7b80208044d77a074d16b768a81901ce938a62dc 2024-12-03

Installed apt packages

Name Version
curl 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.24
libcurl4 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.24
curl 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.25
libcurl4 7.68.0-1ubuntu2.25

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

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