github actions/runner-images ubuntu20/20240514.2
Ubuntu 20.04 (20240514) Image Update

Ubuntu 24.04 is now available
[Ubuntu, Windows] Docker Compose v1 will be removed from images on July, 9
[Ubuntu] ubuntu-toolchain-r/test repository will be removed from images on May 13

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 20.04

  • OS Version: 20.04.6 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1064-azure
  • Image Version: 20240514.2.1
  • Systemd version: 245.4-4ubuntu3.23

📣 What's changed?

Added ➕

Category Tool name Current (20240514.2.1)
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.300

Deleted ➖

Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1.0)
Language and Runtime GNU C++ 9.4.0
GNU Fortran 9.4.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 8.0.204


Category Tool name Previous (20240422.1.0) Current (20240514.2.1)
Kernel Version 5.15.0-1061-azure 5.15.0-1064-azure
Language and Runtime Julia 1.10.2 1.10.3
Kotlin 1.9.23-release-779 1.9.24-release-822
Package Management Homebrew 4.2.19 4.3.0
Vcpkg (build from commit 9224b3bbd) (build from commit bd2b54836)
Project Management Lerna 8.1.2 8.1.3
Sbt 1.9.9 1.10.0
Tools Bazel 7.1.1 7.1.2
Bicep 0.26.170 0.27.1
CMake 3.29.2 3.29.3
CodeQL Action Bundle 2.17.0 2.17.2
Docker Amazon ECR Credential Helper 0.7.1 0.8.0
Heroku 8.11.4 8.11.5
Kind 0.22.0 0.23.0
Minikube 1.33.0 1.33.1
Packer 1.10.2 1.10.3
Pulumi 3.113.3 3.116.0
R 4.3.3 4.4.0
Terraform 1.8.1 1.8.3
yq 4.43.1 4.44.1
CLI Tools AWS CLI 2.15.40 2.15.50
AWS SAM CLI 1.115.0 1.116.0
Azure CLI 2.59.0 2.60.0
GitHub CLI 2.48.0 2.49.2
Google Cloud CLI 472.0.0 476.0.0
Netlify CLI 17.22.1 17.23.5
OpenShift CLI 4.15.9 4.15.12
Vercel CLI 34.1.1 34.1.14
PHP Tools PHP 8.1.27, 8.2.18, 8.3.6 8.1.28, 8.2.19, 8.3.7
Composer 2.7.3 2.7.6
Haskell Tools GHC 9.8.2 9.10.1
Stack 2.15.5 2.15.7
Rust Tools Cargo 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rust 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustdoc 1.77.2 1.78.0
Rustup 1.27.0 1.27.1
Rust Tools >
Cargo clippy 0.1.77 0.1.78
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
ChromeDriver 124.0.6367.60 124.0.6367.207
Microsoft Edge 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 124.0.2478.51 124.0.2478.105
Selenium server 4.19.1 4.20.0
Mozilla Firefox 125.0.1 126.0
.NET Tools .NET Core SDK 6.0.421, 7.0.408 6.0.422, 7.0.409
Databases >
PostgreSQL 14.11 14.12
Cached Tools Go 1.21.9, 1.22.2 1.21.10, 1.22.3
Node.js 20.12.2 20.13.1
PyPy 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.9.18 [PyPy 7.3.15], 3.10.13 [PyPy 7.3.15] 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.9.19 [PyPy 7.3.16], 3.10.14 [PyPy 7.3.16]
Ruby 3.0.6, 3.1.4 3.0.7, 3.1.5
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Microsoft.Graph 2.17.0 2.19.0


Version Environment Variable
8.0.402+6 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.22+7 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.10+7 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.2+13 JAVA_HOME_21_X64
8.0.412+8 JAVA_HOME_8_X64
11.0.23+9 (default) JAVA_HOME_11_X64
17.0.11+9 JAVA_HOME_17_X64
21.0.3+9 JAVA_HOME_21_X64

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
debian:10 ~~sha256:873743c4eec09ddea0dcac0cda31fce2ff348ed41cd1d5c33ecee7d42f03052f ~~ 2024-04-10
debian:11 ~~sha256:26d72b71f88865377988af6f54da9aaa5bed201f39bcee13eb55737016660df2 ~~ 2024-04-10
moby/buildkit:latest ~~sha256:00d2c6b8f39ae515e0eadd74f39e71a5efdc94321c9b919692a2aa32deef2bb1 ~~ 2024-03-18
node:18 ~~sha256:bdbe1cff7e74208531a90ffcfa32b1cb909d4720d9aa60b649b26b9e7ba439a5 ~~ 2024-04-11
node:18-alpine ~~sha256:80338ff3fc4e989c1d5264a23223cec1c6014e812e584e825e78d1a98d893381 ~~ 2024-04-11
node:20 ~~sha256:844b41cf784f66d7920fd673f7af54ca7b81e289985edc6cd864e7d05e0d133c ~~ 2024-04-11
node:20-alpine ~~sha256:ec0c413b1d84f3f7f67ec986ba885930c57b5318d2eb3abc6960ee05d4f2eb28 ~~ 2024-04-11
ubuntu:20.04 ~~sha256:71b82b8e734f5cd0b3533a16f40ca1271f28d87343972bb4cd6bd6c38f1bd38e ~~ 2024-04-10
debian:10 sha256:6e7bd55a5705914837aad8db01b349f4617510c11e47ccae8e87f6f14e489626 2024-05-14
debian:11 sha256:2c7a92a41cb814c00e7d455b2bc0c90ccdb9a4ced2ffdc10e562c7a84a186032 2024-05-14
moby/buildkit:latest sha256:9194b5ec1be368f41c516df7f93f7f540630ea06136056b2ffebb62226ed4ad6 2024-04-25
node:18 sha256:5bac3a1edff13e76586b8eaef1d411fcd80e4f18cce5bc40ea6993245e0721ec 2024-05-14
node:18-alpine sha256:4837c2ac8998cf172f5892fb45f229c328e4824c43c8506f8ba9c7996d702430 2024-04-23
node:20 sha256:d6925dc84f8c0d1c1f8df4ea6a9a54e57d430241cb734b1b0c45ed6d26e8e9c0 2024-05-14
node:20-alpine sha256:291e84d956f1aff38454bbd3da38941461ad569a185c20aa289f71f37ea08e23 2024-05-09
ubuntu:20.04 sha256:874aca52f79ae5f8258faff03e10ce99ae836f6e7d2df6ecd3da5c1cad3a912b 2024-04-27

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

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