github actions/runner-images ubuntu20/20220807.1
Ubuntu 20.04 (20220807 update)

23 months ago
[All OSs] Go version 1.16 will be removed on August, 15th
The Ubuntu 18.04 Actions runner image will begin deprecation on 8/8/22 and will be fully unsupported by 12/1/22
Ubuntu 22.04 is generally available starting from August, 8
'virtual-environments' repository name will be changed to 'runner-images' on August, 8th
[all OSs] Android NDK 21 will be replaced in favor of 25 on August, 1st

Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

  • Image Version: 20220807.1

Installed Software

Package Management

  • Homebrew 3.5.8
  • Vcpkg (build from master <9b22b40c6>)

Project Management

  • Gradle 7.5.1


  • Bicep 0.9.1
  • CMake 3.24.0
  • CodeQL Action Bundle 2.10.2
  • Docker Compose v2 2.9.0+azure-1
  • Heroku 7.62.0
  • Kustomize 4.5.7
  • Leiningen 2.9.9
  • Minikube 1.26.1
  • Packer 1.8.3
  • Parcel 2.7.0
  • Pulumi 3.37.2
  • yq 4.27.2

CLI Tools


  • GHCup

Browsers and Drivers

  • Google Chrome 104.0.5112.79
  • ChromeDriver 104.0.5112.79
  • Chromium 104.0.5112.0
  • Microsoft Edge 104.0.1293.47 (apt source repository:
  • Microsoft Edge WebDriver 104.0.1293.47

.NET tools

  • nbgv 3.5.109+bdfbd7dea6

Cached Tools


  • 1.17.13
  • 1.18.5
  • 1.19.0


  • 3.10.6

Environment variables

Name Value Architecture
GOROOT_1_17_X64 /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.17.13/x64 x64
GOROOT_1_18_X64 /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.18.5/x64 x64
GOROOT_1_19_X64 /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.19.0/x64 x64

PowerShell Tools

PowerShell Modules

Module Version
Microsoft.Graph 1.11.0

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
buildpack-deps:bullseye sha256:d6974da710854c9c38d49666bd682abd99ef7aacdb92344d42a00f723e63cdb1 2022-08-02
buildpack-deps:buster sha256:9d806f4d80f19e3fd315bbe2ca1aa59a6c1ad18aff7b3d9696b407572608d61e 2022-08-02
debian:10 sha256:fb9654aac57319592f1d51497c62001e7033eddf059355408a0b53f7c71f8d5f 2022-08-02
debian:11 sha256:82bab30ed448b8e2509aabe21f40f0607d905b7fd0dec72802627a20274eba55 2022-08-02
node:14 sha256:7e1eabbcd7cbd0fdc296bc00fb2c80943ed0499c4ca3a148c83944708574dcf6 2022-08-02
node:16 sha256:1ed1e17ccabb09038cfb8a965337ebcda51ef9e9d32082164c502d44d9731a02 2022-08-02
node:16-alpine sha256:1908564153449b1c46b329e6ce2307e226bc566294f822f11c5a8bcef4eeaad7 2022-07-18
ubuntu:16.04 sha256:91bd29a464fdabfcf44e29e1f2a5f213c6dfa750b6290e40dd6998ac79da3c41 2021-08-31
ubuntu:18.04 sha256:eb1392bbdde63147bc2b4ff1a4053dcfe6d15e4dfd3cce29e9b9f52a4f88bc74 2022-08-02
ubuntu:20.04 sha256:af5efa9c28de78b754777af9b4d850112cad01899a5d37d2617bb94dc63a49aa 2022-08-02

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