github actions/runner-images ubuntu20/20210302.0
Ubuntu 2004 (20210302 update)

[Ubuntu] AzCopy 7 will be removed from Ubuntu images on March, 2
[ubuntu, windows] GOROOT environment variable will be removed on March, 1
[Ubuntu] Android SDK Platforms and Build-tools that are less than version 23 will be removed on March, 1
[Windows, Ubuntu] Boost 1.72.0 will be removed from images on March, 8
[Ubuntu, macOS] .NET 3.0 will be removed from images on March, 1
Ubuntu-latest workflows will use Ubuntu-20.04

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

  • Image Version: 20210302.0

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • Mono
  • Node 14.16.0

Package Management

  • Homebrew 3.0.3
  • Pipx
  • Vcpkg (build from master <307ac18>)

Project Management

  • Gradle 6.8.3


  • AzCopy 10.9.0 (available by �zcopy and �zcopy10 aliases)
  • Buildah 1.19.6
  • CMake 3.19.6
  • Docker Compose 1.28.5
  • Fastlane 2.176.0
  • Git 2.30.1
  • Heroku 7.49.1
  • HHVM (HipHop VM) 4.99.0
  • Kubectl 1.20.1-5-g76a04fc
  • Kustomize 4.0.4
  • Minikube 1.18.0
  • Pulumi 2.21.2
  • Skopeo 1.2.2

CLI Tools

  • AWS CLI 2.1.29
  • AWS SAM CLI 1.19.1
  • Azure CLI (azure-cli) 2.20.0
  • GitHub CLI 1.6.2
  • Google Cloud SDK 329.0.0
  • Netlify CLI 3.10.2
  • oc CLI 4.7.0
  • Vercel CLI 21.3.1


Tool Version
Composer 2.0.11


  • Cabal
  • GHC 9.0.1
  • GHCup 0.1.13

Rust Tools


  • Cbindgen 0.18.0

Browsers and Drivers

  • Mozilla Firefox 86.0

Cached Tools


  • 10.24.0
  • 12.21.0
  • 14.16.0


  • 3.8.8
  • 3.9.2

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
alpine:3.10 sha256:0b4d282d7ae7cf5ed91801654a918aea45d6c1de6df0db6a29d60619141fb8de 2021-02-24
node:10 sha256:426ce4b7e659e081413b739ec3c6a6dea22dfc1a53bfaa147117dfb0238013a2 2021-02-23
node:10-alpine sha256:47cfff9b9eda43e97f42d516ff66c5490ed1f71262a03f3348ea867f222c1a7e 2021-02-24
node:12 sha256:7f961434ce9e96be7bf2455bbf362152787c529bb9cf86a15ab1499ea89bfa8c 2021-02-23
node:12-alpine sha256:5d8b181a0738654bbe659a68879298f8d2d4256685282ee1c2330d97c33e3eee 2021-02-24

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