github actions/runner-images ubuntu16/20210208.0
Ubuntu 1604 (20210208 update)

[Ubuntu] M2_HOME variable will be removed on February, 15
[Ubuntu, macOS] .NET 3.0 will be removed from images on March, 1
[ubuntu, windows] Default Go version will be set to 1.15 on February, 8
[all OSs] Java 7 will be removed from images on February, 8.
Ubuntu-latest workflows will use Ubuntu-20.04

Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS

  • Image Version: 20210208.0

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • Erlang 11.1.7

Package Management

  • Helm 3.5.2
  • Homebrew 3.0.0
  • Npm 6.14.10
  • Vcpkg (build from master <5eea585>)

Project Management

  • Gradle 6.8.2


  • binutils 2.26.1
  • coreutils 8.25
  • Docker-Moby 19.03.15
  • Heroku 7.47.12
  • Kustomize 3.9.3
  • Pulumi 2.20.0
  • Terraform 0.14.6

CLI Tools

  • Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.71
  • AWS CLI 1.19.3
  • AWS CLI Session manager plugin
  • AWS SAM CLI 1.17.0
  • Google Cloud SDK 326.0.0
  • Netlify CLI 3.5.0
  • oc CLI 4.6.15
  • ORAS CLI 0.10.0
  • Vercel CLI 21.2.3


Tool Version
PHP 5.6.40 7.0.33 7.1.33 7.2.34 7.3.27 7.4.15 8.0.2

Rust Tools


  • Bindgen 0.57.0
  • Cbindgen 0.17.0

Browsers and Drivers

  • Google Chrome 88.0.4324.150
  • Mozilla Firefox 85.0



  • MySQL 5.7.33

Cached Tools


  • 1.14.15
  • 1.15.8


Package Name Version
NDK 21.4.7075529

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
node:10 sha256:033ebaadc711dbfc3b6805c6202e88a2aaf764448dc720a5c4e0396bdf54482e 2021-02-06
node:12 sha256:aa530dfdd028ee531db6fd0e8f262b130603e5480513c19d497eefe9e7a4f158 2021-02-06
buildpack-deps:stretch sha256:d29b531f43722076334061ae4e9d8e108e78e421b1c144556c46c58955dd558b 2021-02-05

Installed apt packages

  • binutils, bison, brotli, build-essential, bzip2, coreutils, curl, dbus, dnsutils, dpkg, fakeroot, file, flex, ftp, gnupg2, haveged, imagemagick, iproute2, iputils-ping, jq, lib32z1, libc++-dev, libc++abi-dev, libcurl3, libgbm-dev, libgconf-2-4, libgsl-dev, libgtk-3-0, libicu55, libmagic-dev, libmagickcore-dev, libmagickwand-dev, libsecret-1-dev, libsqlite3-dev, libunwind8, libxkbfile-dev, libxss1, locales, m4, mediainfo, netcat, openssh-client, p7zip, p7zip-full, p7zip-rar, parallel, pass, patchelf, pkg-config, pollinate, rpm, rsync, shellcheck, sphinxsearch, sqlite3, ssh, subversion, sudo, swig, telnet, texinfo, time, tk, tzdata, unzip, upx, wget, xorriso, xvfb, xz-utils, yamllint, zip, zstd, zsync

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