github actions/runner-images macOS-12/20231211.1
macOS 12 (20231211) Image Update

5 months ago
Old versions of Android SDK & tools will be removed from images on January, 8
[all OSs] Nodejs 14.x will be removed from the images on November, 26
Major Refactoring of GitHub Actions Runner Images Repository

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: macOS 12

  • OS Version: macOS 12.7.1 (21G920)
  • Kernel Version: Darwin 21.6.0
  • Image Version: 20231211.1

📣 What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20231127.1) Current (20231211.1)
Language and Runtime Go 1.20.11 1.20.12
Node.js 18.18.2 18.19.0
NVM 0.39.5 0.39.7
NVM - Cached node versions 18.18.2 18.19.0
Perl 5.38.1 5.38.2
Python3 3.12.0 3.12.1
Package Management Composer 2.6.5 2.6.6
Homebrew 4.1.22 4.1.25
NPM 9.8.1 10.2.3
Pipx 1.2.1 1.3.3
Vcpkg 2023 (build from commit 13c3c0fcc) 2023 (build from commit 000d1bda1)
Project Management Apache Maven 3.9.5 3.9.6
Gradle 8.4 8.5
Utilities bazel 6.4.0 7.0.0
Curl 8.4.0 8.5.0
GitHub CLI 2.39.1 2.40.0
ImageMagick 7.1.1-21 7.1.1-23
yq 4.40.3 4.40.4
Tools AWS CLI 2.13.39 2.15.0
AWS SAM CLI 1.103.0 1.104.0
AWS Session Manager CLI 1.2.497.0 1.2.536.0
Azure CLI 2.54.0 2.55.0
Cmake 3.27.8 3.28.0
Colima 0.6.6 0.6.7
SwiftFormat 0.52.10 0.52.11
Xcbeautify 1.0.1 1.1.0
Browsers Google Chrome 119.0.6045.159 120.0.6099.62
Google Chrome for Testing 119.0.6045.105 120.0.6099.71
ChromeDriver 119.0.6045.105 120.0.6099.71
Microsoft Edge 119.0.2151.72 120.0.2210.61
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 119.0.2151.72 120.0.2210.61
Mozilla Firefox 120.0 120.0.1
Cached Tools Python 3.11.6, 3.12.0 3.11.7, 3.12.1
Node.js 18.18.2 18.19.0
Go 1.20.11, 1.21.4 1.20.12, 1.21.5
Rust Tools Cargo 1.74.0 1.74.1
Rust 1.74.0 1.74.1
Rustdoc 1.74.0 1.74.1
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Az 11.0.0 11.1.0
Xamarin >
Unit Test Framework
NUnit 3.6.1 '/Library/Developer/nunit/3.6.0/nunit3-console.exe':


Package Name Version
Android Emulator 32.1.15
Android Emulator 33.1.23

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.

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