github actions/runner-images macOS-11.0/20210516.1
macOS 11.0 (20210516 update)

[macOS] GCC version 8 will be removed from images on May, 31
macOS 11.0 pools will be transited to private preview.

macOS 11.3 info

  • Image Version: 20210516.1

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • .NET SDK 2.1.300 2.1.301 2.1.302 2.1.401 2.1.402 2.1.403 2.1.500 2.1.502 2.1.503 2.1.504 2.1.505 2.1.506 2.1.507 2.1.602 2.1.603 2.1.604 2.1.607 2.1.700 2.1.701 2.1.801 2.1.802 2.1.803 2.1.804 2.1.805 2.1.806 2.1.807 2.1.808 2.1.809 2.1.810 2.1.811 2.1.812 2.1.813 2.1.814 2.1.815 2.1.816 3.1.100 3.1.101 3.1.200 3.1.201 3.1.300 3.1.301 3.1.302 3.1.401 3.1.402 3.1.403 3.1.404 3.1.405 3.1.406 3.1.407 3.1.408 3.1.409 5.0.100 5.0.101 5.0.102 5.0.200 5.0.201 5.0.202 5.0.203
  • gcc-10 (Homebrew GCC 10.3.0) 10.3.0 - available by gcc-10 alias
  • gcc-11 (Homebrew GCC 11.1.0) 11.1.0 - available by gcc-11 alias
  • GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 10.3.0) 10.3.0 - available by gfortran-10 alias
  • GNU Fortran (Homebrew GCC 11.1.0) 11.1.0 - available by gfortran-11 alias
  • Node.js v14.17.0
  • NVM - Cached node versions: v10.24.1 v12.22.1 v14.17.0

Package Management

  • Homebrew 3.1.7
  • NPM 6.14.13
  • Vcpkg 2021 (build from master <e6dcc07>)

Project Management

  • Gradle 7.0.2


  • PostgreSQL 13.3
  • psql (PostgreSQL) 13.3


  • AWS CLI 2.2.5
  • Fastlane 2.183.0
  • SwiftFormat 0.48.2


  • Google Chrome 90.0.4430.212
  • Microsoft Edge 90.0.818.62
  • MSEdgeDriver 90.0.818.62

Cached Tools


  • 14.17.0

Rust Tools

  • Rust 1.52.1
  • Rustdoc 1.52.1

PowerShell Tools

PowerShell Modules

Module Version
Pester 5.2.1

Web Servers

Name Version ConfigFile ServiceStatus ListenPort
httpd 2.4.47 /usr/local/etc/httpd/httpd.conf stopped 80


Visual Studio for Mac


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