github actions/runner-images macOS-11/20230117.2
macOS 11 (20230117) Image Update

17 months ago
[All OSs] .NET 5.x will be removed from the images on January, 29
[macOS] Default Xcode on macOS 12 Monterey will be set to Xcode 14.2 on January, 16
The macOS 10.15 Actions runner image will begin deprecation on 5/31/22 and will be fully unsupported by 12/1/22 for GitHub and ADO

macOS 11

  • Image Version: 20230117.2

Installed Software

Language and Runtime

  • .NET Core SDK: 3.1.101, 3.1.201, 3.1.302, 3.1.426, 5.0.102, 5.0.202, 5.0.302, 5.0.408, 6.0.405, 7.0.102
  • Clang/LLVM (Homebrew) 15.0.7 - available on '$(brew --prefix llvm@15)/bin/clang'
  • Julia 1.8.5
  • Kotlin 1.8.0-release-345
  • NVM 0.39.3
  • NVM - Cached node versions: 14.21.2, 16.19.0, 18.13.0
  • PHP 8.2.1

Package Management

  • Bundler 2.4.4
  • Composer 2.5.1
  • Homebrew 3.6.19
  • Miniconda 22.11.1
  • RubyGems 3.4.4
  • Vcpkg 2022 (build from commit 5908d702d)

Project Management

  • Apache Ant 1.10.13
  • Apache Maven 3.8.7
  • Sbt 1.8.2


  • bazel 6.0.0
  • Curl 7.87.0
  • Git 2.39.1
  • GitHub CLI 2.21.2
  • gpg (GnuPG) 2.4.0
  • ImageMagick 7.1.0-57
  • mongo 5.0.14
  • mongod 5.0.14
  • yq 4.30.8


  • Aliyun CLI 3.0.141
  • App Center CLI 2.13.0
  • AWS CLI 2.9.15
  • AWS SAM CLI 1.70.0
  • Azure CLI 2.44.1
  • CodeQL Action Bundle 2.12.0
  • Colima 0.5.2
  • GHC 9.4.4
  • GHCup
  • SwiftFormat 0.50.7


  • Yamllint 1.29.0


  • Google Chrome 109.0.5414.87
  • ChromeDriver 109.0.5414.74
  • Microsoft Edge 109.0.1518.52
  • Microsoft Edge WebDriver 109.0.1518.52
  • Mozilla Firefox 108.0.2

Environment variables

Name Value
CHROMEWEBDRIVER /usr/local/Caskroom/chromedriver/109.0.5414.74

Cached Tools


  • 3.8.16


  • 2.7.18 [PyPy 7.3.11]
  • 3.8.16 [PyPy 7.3.11]
  • 3.9.16 [PyPy 7.3.11]


  • 18.13.0


  • 1.18.10
  • 1.19.5

Rust Tools

  • Cargo 1.66.1
  • Rust 1.66.1
  • Rustdoc 1.66.1

PowerShell Tools

PowerShell Modules

  • Az: 9.3.0
  • Pester: 5.4.0


Package Name Version
Android SDK Platforms android-33-ext4 (rev 1), android-33 (rev 2), android-32 (rev 1), android-31 (rev 1), android-30 (rev 3), android-29 (rev 5), android-28 (rev 6), android-27 (rev 3)

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