github abs-lang/abs 2.3.0

latest releases: 2.6.0, 2.5.2, 2.5.1...
4 years ago

A fresh new minor release of ABS: always be shipping! 🚢

ABS allows you to check whether you should upgrade 😄

When you run the REPL with abs, it will periodically print whether there's a new release you should upgrade to (#392):

$ abs
Hello user, welcome to the ABS (2.2.2) programming language!
*** Update available: 2.3.0 (your version is 2.2.2) ***
Type 'quit' when you're done, 'help' if you get lost!

A new command has also been added if you want to explicitly check for a new version:

$ abs --check-update 
Update available: 2.3.0 (your version is 2.2.2)

Upgrade to Go 1.15

ABS is now built with Go 1.15 (#397). As a result, we dropped support for darwin/386 (#396).

The REPL used to suppress output when ending with a comment

A fairly annoying behavior (#388) we fixed by discarding comments right at the lexer's level (#394).

A big thank you to @gromgit who's the main contributor behind this release -- see ya! 👋

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