github aaronparker/image-customise v2309.04.164

8 months ago
  • Adds support for detecting XenServer / Citrix Hypervisor #23
  • Sets HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CapabilityAccessManager\ConsentStore\location\Value to Allow. See Can't set time zone automatically in Windows 10
  • Adds Install-enAU.ps1 - this script calls Install-Defaults.ps1 to set language to en-AU and the timezone to AUS Eastern Standard Time. Enables calling the solution in Intune etc. where passing a full command line can be problematic. Use the same approach for other time zones / locale settings


This release includes several file assets:

  • - a downloadable copy of the solution that can be used anywhere
  • image-customise.intunewin - a copy of the solution in Intune Win32 format for deployment to manage devices
  • Win32App.json - a definition file for the Win32 package and can be used with the IntuneWin32App PowerShell module to import into an Intune tenant

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