Adding suport for:
- Javascript(nodejs, web-applications)
- Typescript
- C#(.net framework, .net, .net 5, .netcore 3.x)
- Kubernetes(yaml)
- C
New feature:
- Adding webhook to dispatch analysis object with http-request
- Integration with new tools in analysis: (semgrep, horusec-csharp, horusec-nodejs, horusec-kubernetes, eslint)
- Fix nil pointer when not found code in vulnerability using horusec-engine
- Fix some regexes in horusec-java and horusec-leaks
- Migrate routes of auth-users of horusec-account to horusec-auth
- Migrate horusec-lp to private repository
- Change log error to warn if not found package-lock or .csproject or requirements.txt
- Services:
- Horusec-Account=v0.7.0
- Horusec-Analytic=v0.6.1
- Horusec-Api=v2.6.0
- Horusec-Manager=v1.3.0
- Horusec-Auth=v1.1.0
- Horusec-Messages=v1.6.0
- Horusec-Migration=v0.0.1
- Horusec-Webhook=v1.0.0
- Horusec-CLI=v1.5.0
- Tools:
- Horusec-Leaks=v0.2.6
- Horusec-Kotlin=v0.3.2
- Horusec-Kubernetes=v1.0.0
- Horusec-Nodejs=v1.0.0
- Horusec-Csharp=v1.0.0
- Horusec-Java=v0.3.5
- Bandit=v1.0.1
- Safety=v1.0.0
- Brakeman=v1.0.0
- Gosec=v1.0.0
- NpmAudit=v1.0.0
- YarnAudit=v1.0.0
- Gitleaks=v1.0.2
- Tfsec=v1.0.0
- SecuriyCodeScan=v1.0.0
- Semgrep=v1.0.0
- EsLint=v1.0.0