What's Changed
- dep updates
- armv7/armhf support
- merge upstream
- streams tls support
- show if cert used in ui (broken, only works for proxy hosts: NginxProxyManager#4370)
- also fixes migration
- fix ui error when renewing cert
- support grpc(s) upstreams
- add LISTEN_PROXY_PROTOCOL env, which makes http(s) listeners of proxy, redirection and dead hosts to listen using proxy protocol. also disabled quic
- add NGINX_LOAD_OPENTELEMETRY_MODULE env, which load the opentelemetry module, no support from me, you need to configure it yourself
- adjust compression mime types to match nginx ones
- send empty Accept-Encoding header to upstreams again
How to update
- read the changes above
- repull the docker image
- apply possible changes that maybe effect you from above to your compose.yaml
- redeploy the compose stack
- report any issues you find
Full Changelog: 2025-02-07-r1...2025-02-24-r1