github Zimbra-Community/pgp-zimlet 1.0.0
Zimbra OpenPGP Zimlet first production release

latest releases: 2.7.7, 2.7.6, 2.7.5...
9 years ago

First production ready release of Zimbra OpenPGP Zimlet. This Zimlet has been tested on multiple servers, one with over 350 active users for over 3 weeks.

This release is build for and tested for Zimbra 8.0.7.

Features are:

  • Save up to 30 public keys to verify signatures against.
  • Sign messages
  • Encrypt messages
  • Decrypt messages
  • Generate keypair

The version of OpenPGP.js 6.0.0 and tested browsers include Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 11. Tested platforms are Windows, Linux and OSX.

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