github Zibbp/ganymede v1.2.8

13 months ago

What's Changed

  • build(deps): bump from 1.8.10 to 1.8.11 by @dependabot in #155
  • build(deps): bump from 10.11.2 to 10.12.0 by @dependabot in #152
  • build(deps): bump from 1.18.1 to 1.19.0 by @dependabot in #151
  • New features by @Zibbp in #158

New Features

Rootless container

The API container can now be run as a non-root user. Add a PUID and PGID environment variable to run the container as. Directories that are used are chowned on container start.

Archive Livestream

On the archive page, an option to adhoc archive a livestream is now available. #156

Queue fixes

  • Any chat error of a livestream archive will mark the VOD as processed so it is viewable. The queue item still exists for optional restarts of failed job. This does not effect VOD archives. #153
  • After each chat task, the resulting chat file is copied to the final destination instead of all at once on the last task. This is to help with restarting older chat tasks that failed if the container was restarted.
More UI Details

An optional setting on the profile page has been added which shows more UI information. Currently this only shows the time next to the date on VOD cards. #157

Full Changelog: v1.2.7...v1.2.8

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