github Zibbp/ganymede-frontend v1.1.9
v1.1.9 - Login to view video

latest releases: v3.1.0, v3.0.1, v3.0.0...
23 months ago

What's Changed

  • feat: Force login to view videos by @Zibbp in #2
    • Set the environment variable REQUIRE_LOGIN to true to require users to login to view videos.
  • fix(search): allow playback data on search page to fail if not logged in b9bdb65.
  • feat(loader): switch to circle loader animation fd359f2.
  • fix(chat/player): formatting 867516b.
  • feat(vod): use video title for document title (tab title) b45f1ff.


Require Login

If the frontend container environment variable REQUIRE_LOGIN is set to true. Then users will need to be logged in to view the video. When navigating to a video without being logged in the user will be greeted a "login required" message.

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