github Zettlr/Zettlr 1.8.0-alpha.1
Release 1.8.0-alpha.1

latest releases: v3.1.0-beta.3, v3.1.0-beta.2, v3.1.0-beta.1...
pre-release3 years ago

Attention: This release may be unstable.

This release marks the second iteration of the pre-1.8.x-phase. We have fixed a bug that made AppImage and other Linux exports unusable, and also fixed some other bugs that we came around. Mainly, again, the work in this release has been done under the hood.

Nevertheless, there is one new development here: A new update notifier! It is now much quieter and more unobstrusive. Additionally, it takes away the work to download the release and begin the updating process. Please, again, report any bugs we have overlooked so that we can get to it!


GUI and Functionality

  • Fixed the fold-gutter being too close to the text.
  • The editor link autocompletion now respects the setting to use headings level 1 instead of YAML frontmatter titles where possible.
  • The paste image dialog now also provides the original image size as a default value, so that you simply can use the arrow buttons on the field to adjust the image size.
  • Fixed a rare bug where changes would be discarded if you renamed the modified file quickly enough.
  • HTML export should now centre both figures and figure captions.
  • Sorting files by name now takes into account possible settings such as using headings of level 1 or YAML frontmatter titles so that sorted files now correspond to their display again.
  • You can now select rendered references from the right sidebar.
  • The file tabs now have their own, dedicated menu, containing a new "Close all tabs" command to close all open file tabs (thanks to @anoopengineer for implementing).
  • The file info now displays the selection information, if there is any. The popup that opens when you click the counter then lists all selections within your document.
  • When you initiate a keyword search from the tag cloud by clicking on a tag, it'll be automatically enclosed in quotes, enabling searches for keywords with spaces in them.
  • The image paste dialog now shows you the resolved path of the directory into which the image you are about to paste will be saved to.
  • Fixed a missing translatable string from the paste image dialog.
  • Fixed the width of the word counter in order to make the toolbar more "stiff."
  • Enabled Dart syntax highlighting (thanks to @Kangie for implementing).
  • Reduced the added margins for overflowing dialog windows from 15 % to 2 %, making the visible gap on smaller screens smaller.
  • Remove the intermediary .ztr-project-migration code, which means you should update to Zettlr 1.7.x before updating to 1.8.x, if you still use an older version of Zettlr.

Under the Hood

  • Switched to Electron forge (thanks to @tobiasdiez for implementing).
  • Bumped dependencies:
    • @clr/icons 4.0.1
    • @electron-forge/cli 6.0.0-beta.53
    • @electron-forge/plugin-webpack 6.0.0-beta.53
    • @teamsupercell/typings-for-css-modules-loader 2.3.0
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 4.1.0
    • @typescript-eslint/parser 4.1.0
    • archiver 5.0.1
    • chokidar 3.4.2
    • codemirror 5.57.0
    • copy-webpack-plugin 6.1.0
    • electron 9.3.0
    • eslint 7.8.1
    • eslint-config-standard-with-typescript 19.0.1
    • eslint-plugin-vue 7.0.0-beta.3
    • file-loader 6.1.0
    • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin 5.1.0
    • fsevents 2.1.3
    • got 11.6.2
    • md5 2.3.0
    • mocha 8.1.3
    • node-loader 1.0.1
    • on-change 2.1.2
    • ts-loader 8.0.3
    • typescript 4.0.2
    • uglify-js 3.10.4
    • vue 2.6.12
    • vue-template-compiler 2.6.12
  • Added a new Handlebars templating helper function, i18n_value that allows you to translate something passing a value to the translation helper (e.g. {{i18n_value 'trans.identifier' someValue}}).
  • Refactored the main build Workflow file. Now it doesn't run on a matrix, but due to the many dissimilar steps involved, there are three distinct jobs. Other than that, we switched to the GitHub tag name instead of utilizing a node script to retrieve the package.json version, switched to yarn everywhere and cleaned up the code.
  • Removed the now unused scripts get-pkg-version.js and afterSign.js.
  • Finally removed the verbose IPC calls from the logs.
  • Migrated the toolbar logic from jQuery to vanilla JS.
  • Migrated the main renderer from jQuery to vanilla JS.
  • Migrated the popup class from jQuery to vanilla JS.
  • Added a popup provider for easy creation of popups across the main renderer process.
  • Added an update provider for easy access to specific updating functionality (such as downloading an update, and automatically running it).
  • Migrated any popups that were defined inline into their respective handlebars template files.

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