github ZephyrProtocol/zephyr v1.2.0
Zephyr Protocol - Artemis v1.2.0

6 days ago

Zephyr Protocol - Artemis v1.2.0 Release 🚀

This release is a required update for everyone running their own node.

This update supports the new hardfork updates with improved reserve ratio moving average calculations, and fee changes for the minting and redeeming of Zephyr Stable Dollars and Zephyr Reserve Shares.

Hardfork v4

(Activated at block 294000)

Activates the new pricing record format to save the reserve ratio values in the pricing record.

Hardfork v5

(Activated at block 295000)

The reserve ratio moving average is now derived from an average of previous reserve ratio values over a 24 hour period.
This method smooths out fluctuations when Zephyr Stable Dollars are minted or redeemed, and removes the possibility for a bad actor to manipulate the reserve ratio by minting/redeeming ZSD which would previously immediately affect both the spot and moving average reserve ratios.

Fee Adjustments:

Mint ZSD: 2% → 0.1%
Redeem ZSD: 2% → 0.1%
Mint ZRS: 0% → 1%
Redeem ZRS: 2% → 1%

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