github ZQuestClassic/ZQuestClassic 3.0.0-prerelease.55+2024-05-29
3.0 Prerelease 55 2024-05-29

pre-release23 days ago

To download this release, visit the ZQuest Classic website or see the bottom of this page.

The following are the changes since 3.0.0-prerelease.54+2024-05-26:


  • remove expensive busy loop in render throttler 6d36424bb

    Replaces a busy loop with a much cheaper mutex condition variable to control FPS.

    The maxfps option now works for values less than 60 fps.


  • add cache to generation of translucency tables c38897790

    This took up a lot of CPU time during the titlescreen and during animations such as screen wipes / triforce pickup / etc.

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